

Welcome to the Photographers Collective North Staffs website.

The Photographers Collective is a group of photographers in North Staffs formed to support and provide resources for photographers in North Staffordshire. We aim to raise the profile of photographic activity in the area.

Our main activities are photowalks and workshops, and occasional exhibitions.

For more About Photo CNS click this link. To find out more about Collective members click here.

Join our facebook group or scroll down for the latest Photo CNS news.

PCNS Open Open Exhibition 2018

The Photographers Collective North Staffordshire

The PCNS Open Open Exhibition 2018 is looking for your interpretation of the theme Open. It is open to all people who take photographs, whether on the latest DSLR, on an old Instamatic, or on your phone.There will be an award of an Amazon voucher worth £25 for the photograph which members of the PCNS Core Group feel interpret Open most interestingly. There will be a public exhibition of the photographs with an official opening and award ceremony.

We want to encourage a broad range of people to enter, so we ask for a photograph printed no larger than 6 inches/15cm on its longest side.
You can enter up to 4 images.
The cost of entering The PCNS Open Open is £1 per photograph.
You must pay with the entry in cash or by going to http://photowalknetwork.org/open-entries/entry-to-open-open-photography-competition.

To enter either –
Bring your prints to The Art Stop, 108 Church Street, Stoke ST4 1BU on May 16th between 6pm and 8pm, or the 31st May between 4pm and 7pm.
Or, e-email .jpg files to photocns@gmail.com and we will print them.
If you are emailing images to us, please save to the highest quality, if you need help or advice e-mail us. Final date for entries is midnight May 31st 2018.

Make sure that you fill in the form which you can find here to print or copy and send, or use the form at the bottom of this page, and send one for each photograph, or bring with your photograph. Forms will be available to fill in if dropping off at Art Stop. Please get signed permission if other people are prominently featured; this has to be a parent or guardian if the subject is under 18 or vulnerable. If you are not sure, contact us on photocns@gmail.com.

If you are going to bring your photographs in person on May 16th or 31st, please put them in an envelope with your name and contact details on.
We are sorry but we cannot return prints to you, unless a special arrangement is made with us.

We look forward to seeing your interpretations of Open.

Send us this form and an e-mail with your photograph attached make sure you include your name and the title and the entry fee to the address above.

Photowalk Network

The Photowalk Network is our latest project.

We go on walks and take photographs to express our creativity and document our experience.  Then we post details of our walks and the photos we’ve taken here, so that you can try the walks yourself.

photo of trees in Lightwood, Stoke-on-Trent Jenny Harper

We welcome you to tell us about your own photowalks that we can include here, sharing experiences for us all to enjoy.

Move from Burslem School of Art

All change!

In February 2016 we moved out of Burslem School of Art. We are changing our focus.

We are planning photowalks, workshops and pop-up exhibitions.

Burslem School of Art has now closed to the public. It has been taken over by Haywood Academy Sixth Form, who are repairing and refurbishing it. Burslem School of Art Trust have moved over the road in Queen St to the fabulous Wedgwood Institute front room. They are running a library, job club and exhibitions and events. The Institute will close in early 2017 for full restoration by the Princes Regeneration Trust.


International Pinhole Photography Day April 26th 2015

PCNS celebrated International Pinhole Photography Day with a workshop where people gathered to make their camera from a box then take their photographs. Most attending hadn’t tried this before and it was pleasing to see children and young people attending with their parents and carers. It was a great lively day and thanks go for all the work put in voluntarily by members of PCNS who shared their skills.

Below are just a few photographs from the day and a small selection of the pinhole photographs. We look forward to seeing you in 2016 and at events coming up with PCNS throughout the year.

pinhole4 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-18 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-19 pinhole7 pinhole8 pennypinhole2 pinhole1 pennypinhole1 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-23 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-15 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-13 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-10 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-7 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-6 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-5 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-4 04.26.2015 PCNS Worldwide Pinhole Day Workshop-3

World Pinhole Photography Day 26th April 11am Burslem School of Art

PCNS will be running a Pinhole Photography day on 26th April at Burslem School of Art from 11am to 1pm.


On Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day the Photographers Collective North Staffordshire will be holding a pinhole photography workshop. Bring along a container that can be made light tight. We will show you how to turn it into a camera and make your own images from it on paper negatives.

The cost will be £5

To book e-mail – photocns@gmail.com

Childhood – Jenny Harper


‘Childhood’ is an exhibition of documentary photographs of child life taken by Staffordshire photographer, Jenny Harper (who won the 2014 PCNS Open). It is a collection of black and white, candid, environmental portraits of her children. The exhibition will take place in the PCNS Gallery at Burslem School of Art from 31st March until 29th May 2015, with the Opening taking place on Tuesday 31st March at 6:30pm. An accompanying workshop on photographing your children in this style is being planned to take place in May.

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Half Mile – Tim Diggles Exhibition


Half Mile – Photographs of Tunstall by Tim Diggles

20th January until 20th March 2015

Half Mile brings together a small selection of photographs from projects Tim has been working on over the past two years. They are taken within the confines of his one-bedroomed flat or a half a mile radius of that flat.

A return walk within half a mile of his flat is roughly the limit to his physical abilities, this necessity has condensed his experience, the limitations allowing an intensity of seeing, exploring the often missed object, place, corner, colour.

Tim Diggles’ work is not commenting or judging, there is no statement being made or position taken. In his photography he is attempting to show what he is seeing, noticing, glancing out of the corner of his eye – the combinations of light, colour, form creating compositions where the content matters little.

Tim began taking photographs in 1970 at Leek School of Art, then did a degree in Fine Art at Cardiff College of Art. He has worked in the arts and as an artist since then.

His Half Mile exhibition includes 10 photographs from Flat Life, which is a completed series of 200 photographs, exploring the compositional possibilities of light and form within his one-bedroomed flat at different times of day and night. Many of the others are from his ongoing Streets project in which he is photographing all 122 streets, roads and lanes within a half-mile radius of where he lives. Tim’s interest lies not in those who live there but in what those people have done to their environment, the attempts to be individual, to show a front, to adapt what has been left by others. He finds most interesting walking along roads which are usually rushed along unseen, finding the places of interaction between the traveller and the static, the place where older paths are cut through and replaced by new. Where nature has retaken the battleground.

On 22nd February Tim will be leading a Photowalk in Tunstall going to some of the places featured in Half Mile, contact him on timdiggles@gmail.com for more details. A catalogue is also available view online or download at issuu.com/timdiggles/docs/catalogue, and on his blog you will find many more many more photographs and his writing at timdiggles.wordpress.com.

You also have a chance to WIN one of Tim’s framed prints by writing about one of the photographs! You can write a critique, make it part of a story, write about a memory it invokes, a poem, a description of what you are seeing, anything you like in any genre. Tim will select one entrant to receive a print. The deadline is Friday March 13th. To enter send your writing as an attachment or in the body of an e-mail to timdiggles@gmail.com.

PCNS 2014 Open – Selfies!

Opening 10th November 2014 running until February 2015

Entries November 3rd and 4th at Burslem School of Art or by post.


The 2014 Open is for Selfies or to be a bit more formal Self Portraits. There will be three prizes of Amazon Vouchers the winner receiving £30!

Self Portraiture has been a feature in photography since the earliest days and today with millions of mobile phones a feature for people of all ages. So we want to see your self-portrait. It can be you on your own or with as many people as can fit in the frame. We want photographs with a maximum of 6″x4″ which means almost everyone will be able to enter and mounted on card or foamboard (that can be done by us at a charge of £2.50). Last year it was great to see the variety of work within such a small print size.

So, lets see how inventive you can be. For full details download the leaflet and the entry form. We look forward to see your photographs!